Lawmakers Oppose Trump Pledge to Restore Confederate Names to Military Bases

Donald Trump
by Eric Lendrum



Following former President Donald Trump’s pledge to restore the names of military bases that were named after Confederate figures, members of both parties in Congress vowed to oppose any such efforts.

As Politico reports, President Trump made another campaign promise on the culture war front on Friday, during a town hall event in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

“I think I just learned the secret to winning absolutely and by massive margins,” said the former president and Republican nominee. “I’m going to promise to you … that we’re going to change the name back to Fort Bragg.” Earlier at the same event, former Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie earned a standing ovation after he referred to the base, currently named Fort Liberty, by its original name.

Fort Bragg was one of many locations bearing the name of a Confederate figure that was targeted by a Biden-Harris Administration commission, after the Democrat-majority Congress approved a measure in 2021 seeking to rename all such locations. This included eight other military bases besides Bragg, which is named after the decorated and highly-respected Confederate General Braxton Bragg.

One of the Republicans who supported this process is Congressman Don Bacon (R-Neb.), known for his opposition to Trump.

“The law was you had to get rid of the Confederate names, and the commission was to determine what those names should be,” said Bacon. “The law was passed, it’s not going to go backward.”

“This was a deal made with the Jim Crow South, between 1910 and 1930 roughly,” Bacon claimed. “And I’m not a Jim Crow South guy.”

Far-left Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) denounced President Trump’s promise and vowed to fight it if he is returned to the White House.

“This latest rant is a desperate political stunt meant to distract and divide us,” said Warren in her own rant. “Trump should listen to military leaders who have honored generations of loyal servicemembers by supporting the renaming of these bases.”

The Left has targeted numerous Confederate monuments for removal or destruction in recent years. While President Trump was in office, mobs of domestic terrorist groups, including the anarcho-communist group Antifa and the black nationalist group Black Lives Matter, engaged in widespread violence that included tearing down statues and desecrating graves. Once Biden and Harris took power, they used their executive power to further remove such monuments, including the historic Confederate Monument in Arlington Cemetery.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.
Background Photo “Fort Bragg” by Savannah District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. CC BY 2.0.





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